Sunday, June 22, 2008

Father's Day 2008 Pics

So for Father's Day, I took Annika to visit "Grandpa Khavin", which is still for some reason a strange thing to call my Dad.  I suppose I'll eventually get used to it.  You reading thing, Grandpa!?  Annika was asleep; fell asleep soon as we left Blue Bell, and stayed asleep a good hour after we got to Edison.  Big surprise there!

Much cooing and squirming... drooling, and being passed around from one set of hands to another ensued.   But then we got a little bit tired, and decided that laying around in the Pack'n'Play is not so bad after all!  Especially considering the fact that it was set up outside... on a nice day...

And then we fell asleep.  Oddly enough, we fell asleep at Grandpa & Grandma's house, and woke up at home in the morning.  Magic?  Maybe.

Not Chronological

Okay, so I had intended to post Annika pictures in chronological order, but that's not gonna happen; I'm lucky if I can get a chance to drag some photos off of the memory card and get them up here at all.

These are from this past week - we had dinner with my friend Jenn on Friday night at a place in Chestnut Hill, and Annika was showing off her newfound smiling and cooing skills, flirting with the people at the table behind us, and generally being a little charmer.

The sleeping-baby picture was because I wanted to remember how cute and innocent she looks when she's sleeping... although I think here, she looks sort of frowny.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

We're Up!

And we're hungry!  As usual.