I picked up some new gear on Friday, and so on Sunday, it was time to give Irene a break, and put the new toys through their paces. Annika and I took a ride and met up with Rob and Jen, and their kids (Bobby and Destiny) up in New Jersey, and we all went to Roosevelt Park in Edison (well... Menlo Park if you want to be all technical about it) to shoot around. It was a blast because the only one who was not armed with a camera was Annika, and I'm fixing to remedy that situation just as soon as she is not too likely to smash things with one. For now, she'll have to settle for playing with my cameras while I'm holding them. She's a quick study! Already took her first picture! Makes a Dad proud.
We needed to test the durability of my Kata camera case. It passed with flying colors!
For a bit, the sky got dark, and it looked like it was going to rain. Normal people pack up and go home. But us? No NO! Rob and I pulled out the flash to take in the scene and create some added drama. I mean... what better way to deal with water falling from the sky than by holding an electronic device high into the air? Our model was good natured about the possibility of getting a little damp. (Easily distracted with keys, she is.) I will definitely be working with her again!
After we were done at the park, we stopped by Grandma & Grandpa's place, since we were literally three minutes down the road from them. Annika loves watching koi in the pond; they come up for food and are generally pretty friendly, so Grandpa feeds them and they put on a show!